Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fats are solid at room temperature.
They are found in animal food such as meat, pork, dairy products, eggs, pastries. They are also found in plant foods which includes coconut oil, palm oil.
These foods should be taken in moderation due to the effects they tend to have on the hearts and arteries.
When taken in the right proportion with unsaturated fat, nuts, veggies and carbs they have healing effects in the body.
But when taken in high proportions, the human body is prone to high risks such as;
raising cholesterol levels, increase cardiovascular diseases, increase in blood pressure, clogged arteries.
However Saturated fats play an important role in appetite signaling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice one 😊😊


Time prep(  10mins) Ingredients: 1 egg, salt, pepper, seasoning( optional) Onions, carrots, spring onions, any other veggies of your choice ...