Monday, June 15, 2020

Calories: The effect on our health

Have you ever thought of checking the nutritional label at the back of a cereal, drink, whenever you buy them?
You know that feeling when you finally decide to check the nutritional label of a food package after you just consumed it.

The Nutritional fact or label written at the back is very important to us before adding it to your cart at the grocery store.
It guides us in our eating habits and helps us in monitoring our calorie intake.

Calories are very fundamental to our human health, they measure the energy content of the food we take into our body system.

An average woman needs about 2,000 calories per day to maintain her weight and an average man needs about 2,500 calories per day to maintain his weight.
However, a lot of factors are considered depending on the calories we need per day.
  • If we want to lose weight
  • Maintain weight
  • Gain weight
  • Our body mass, age, height.
All these factors determine how much calories we need per day.
To lose weight it is advised that you cut down  500 -1000 calories to lose 1/2kg per week.

 Thanks to technology, there has been an easier way to track our calorie intake per day ( my fitness pal app), but we shouldn't completely rely on these calculators because they are not 100 percent accurate.

We can portion our food when we eat them.

Replacing the carbs in this plate with more stir fry vegetables, we have helped to reduce our calorie intake.
Finally when serving your food
You must follow the recommended food plating.


 Introduction to Food Safety, Stanford University. 


Yemo super said...

Pls how do we measure the normal food we eat like rice, yam ,beans that don't have nutritional label there?

Yemo super said...

Pls how do u measure the beans ,yam and rice on the plate of our food?
It's yemi☺

Shows_delight said...

Getting a food scale would have been the best bet, then weighing your food and converting it to calories
Carbs/Protein = 4g per calorie
Fat = 9g per calorie
using this formula.
It could be tiring , so best thing to do is portion your food plate as shown the last picture.


Time prep(  10mins) Ingredients: 1 egg, salt, pepper, seasoning( optional) Onions, carrots, spring onions, any other veggies of your choice ...